Saturday, May 28, 2011

Abigail 5 Months Old

Lots lots going on here, but here are a few pictures to update everyone on Abigail. She's almost 6mo old now..sniff.. So much fun but I can't believe she's so big already.

Hanging out with Daddy for a little bit on Saturday!

Checking out his Ipad...uh oh!

Getting ready for church...

This has been her disposition as of late....she is teething poor baby!

Happy Moment!

Holding her bottle like a BIG girl!

Her favorite time!! Tub time...and she loves bubbles :)

Monday, May 9, 2011

First Mother's Day

Well, it was my very first Mother's Day, and I am so thankful for the little blessing God has given us! It wouldn't be the same without her here, and she's teaching me more each day as she's learning. I hope my Mom and mother-in-law both had wonderful mother's days! And all of the mom's out there did too!! What a job, and joy it is to be a mother! God Bless all of you. Here are some pictures of our day.

This was the Picture I found the other day of me when I was a baby. Can you see the resemblence? lol

She looks so serious right here! Wonder who she gets that from?

This was taken after Sunday night church, I promise I put shoes on that baby when we left, but this is how she always ends up by the end of church. lol She looks like a little cupie doll here. Daddy did her hair by the way for Sunday am/pm service...:)

Smiley girl

On the way to church...

After service again.

Silly girl!


Sunday AM

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Randomness with Abby

Abby is getting so big. Here are some random pictures we've snapped lately. We tried doing her hair like mine was in a picture that I found when I was her age. She looks a lot like I did. She has enough hair now we tried putting it all in the middle.

Here she is after she fell asleep on her play mat. She must have been worn out! lol

Here's the

Abby and Sugar!

She's not that fond of Sugar I guess.

Lol...This picture cracks me up!

With Daddy!