Oh... I also have to blog about the funny little thing that happened today. In all of our activities that have been going on, I think Sam must have had a slight lapse of insanity. All that work and no rest will do that to you. He really has been working hard on the house, and has done such a great job. I just wish I could help more than I can right now. Well to my story...As we were getting Abigail's room set up this evening Sam suddenly remembered something from earlier today. I guess it was about the time I was looking at all the cute little shoes that we got for the baby when his memory was jogged. "Uh OH," he said. I brought a huge bag of shoes to the Goodwill today. "Oh really, ha, ha". I thought he was joking. No he wasn't joking he really did bring a bag full of shoes to the Goodwill today. I had a ton of garbage bags full of things to bring to the Goodwill this morning, clothes and such. We have also been living out of our living room during this remodel. Well needless to say I had a rubbermaid container with about 6 pairs of shoes in it that could fit in there, in shoeboxes, while every other pair of shoes I own were in a garbage bag, waiting to be put back in my closet after carpet was installed. The shoes weren't even near the other bags, but he thought the bag was supposed to go to Goodwill as well. We went by there this evening but they were lost in the abyss of Goodwill things probably never to be seen by me again. Alas it was too late. I did happen to find one pair of shoes that were mine, but all other pairs are lost forever. *sigh* oh well.... guess this is what kids do to ya. :)
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