I apologize for not posting more pictures on here. We found out I am expecting again last month, and I have been a little under the weather and busy with Abigail. But I felt so much better yesterday, and we had a fun time at the house with the Hebert's and got some really cute pictures. We celebrated Independance Day with Ribs, Corn & Tomatoes fresh from Bro. Will's Garden, and a few fireworks in the evening. This was Abigails first time outside in the grass and she loved it!


Fresh Corn on the Cob!

The End results!


Ribs....I guess my husband has started photographing food.

The Pre-Rib Preparation

Abigail in the Grass...she loved it she was pulling up the grass and playing in it.

Hot and drooly...lol

Abby and Daddy

Happy outside!!