Saturday, September 25, 2010

House Projects Cont'd

Here are some pictures of the guest bedroom after Sam scraped the ceilings, and the walls. We are going to have the walls mudded and the ceiling mudded and stomped so we can repaint everything in this room and then also the baby's room. This is what he's gotten done so far. It is such a mess right now, but I know it'll look so much better when we are through. We are also planning to replace the carpets in all three of the bedrooms. That's why the messy part is coming first.

House Project Pictures

Sam made a new deck for the front porch, and put a railing up. We're going to paint it, most likely once the weather gets a little cooler. These are the during and before pictures. As you can see it was getting dark, but still hot as can be outside.... Lovely Louisiana Summer :)

He did a really good job! My handyman. I helped a little too, not too much. I held the saw when he was cutting some of the wood, but Abigail really did not like the loud noise, she started kicking me like crazy.

Stegall Household Update

Just an update on some of the goings-on in the Stegall household.

-Right now we are in the process of getting the guest room and baby's room ready for Abigail's arrival. I will try to get pictures up as we progress.

- I have recovered from my cellulitis on my big toe! Thank you Jesus.

-Sam has recovered from his bout with Shingles! Praise God!

-We had a baby shower in Rock Hill with all of Sam's family, and got so many wonderful gifts for the baby! And had a wonderful time with the family and church while we were there, even though it was for a short time. (Pictures to come)
-We are truly a blessed people! :)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Pregnancy Pictures

Making a silly face @ our Friends Day for church.
Me and my hunny!

Friends Day @ Truthway- lots of visitors, it was a ton of fun. Church was awesome!

I will try to be better with the blog- Sorry to all of the family who checks this...I need to give FB a break and use the blog more anyway. I actually like bloggin better, but find that FB is easier. Since the little one is on the way I think the blog will be a better point of contact though! Here are some pictures of me (all pregnant).

Baby Abigail- First Ultrasound Pictures

Little Abigail Ruth Stegall