Well, the Good new is: I didn't burn the house down.
The bad news is: I almost burnt the house down, and I did melt Sis. Roxie's platter in my oven.
Okay so we are having a jambalaya dinner @ the church tomorrow as a fundraiser for the youth department, and I am supposed to be baking some sort of dessert for the occasion, and so therefore when my husband and I arrived home after picking up some dinner, I turned the oven on so it could pre-heat and be ready so I could bake after I was finished eating. Well, Sis Roxie and Bro. Jerry brought us some fish and hushpuppies over that he caught, so we could have it for dinner (and I greatly appreciated that fact, since I did not get home that night until 11 and had no time to cook anything, they are just sweet like that.) Well they brought it over in the customary trays (so you can get lots on there) that are used for crawfish during the spring and bass fish in the winter. The trays by the way are plastic, and as you are about to see highly flammable at a temperature of 400 degrees F. Now I know today is Saturday, and that just shows you how little I actually use my oven, please, I am trying to do better. I think I have decided that my calling in life is to absolutely make every other person feel better about who THEY are just by being ME! So anyway back to my story. While we were eating I could smell something that just didn't seem right and well smoke was coming from the oven and this is what we found:

I put the yellow tray back in the oven thinking (well maybe thinking is too strong of a word) that I would get it out the next morning, since there were still hushpuppies on there, and I wanted to wait if Sam wanted any more food. Needless to say, I'll be buying Sis Roxie a new tray, and a new oven rack for me this year!
The bad news is: I almost burnt the house down, and I did melt Sis. Roxie's platter in my oven.
Okay so we are having a jambalaya dinner @ the church tomorrow as a fundraiser for the youth department, and I am supposed to be baking some sort of dessert for the occasion, and so therefore when my husband and I arrived home after picking up some dinner, I turned the oven on so it could pre-heat and be ready so I could bake after I was finished eating. Well, Sis Roxie and Bro. Jerry brought us some fish and hushpuppies over that he caught, so we could have it for dinner (and I greatly appreciated that fact, since I did not get home that night until 11 and had no time to cook anything, they are just sweet like that.) Well they brought it over in the customary trays (so you can get lots on there) that are used for crawfish during the spring and bass fish in the winter. The trays by the way are plastic, and as you are about to see highly flammable at a temperature of 400 degrees F. Now I know today is Saturday, and that just shows you how little I actually use my oven, please, I am trying to do better. I think I have decided that my calling in life is to absolutely make every other person feel better about who THEY are just by being ME! So anyway back to my story. While we were eating I could smell something that just didn't seem right and well smoke was coming from the oven and this is what we found:
I put the yellow tray back in the oven thinking (well maybe thinking is too strong of a word) that I would get it out the next morning, since there were still hushpuppies on there, and I wanted to wait if Sam wanted any more food. Needless to say, I'll be buying Sis Roxie a new tray, and a new oven rack for me this year!