Friday, November 27, 2009
Christmas Pictures-By the "Famous" Whitney Merritt!

Whitney took some pictures for us, so that we could pick one to put on Christmas cards for this years cards. I'll post some more on here after we send some out, but here is a cute one that she took of us on our "photo shoot"! It was pouring rain this day, and we had an umbrella in most of the pictures. By the end of the afternoon we were almost completely soaking wet, but it was fun! Louisiana winters are more wet than cold, but it makes for some different pictures.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Veteran's Day (Belated)

I really wanted to post something for Veteran's Day, but couldn't do it on the actual day, so here it is, belated. First, THANK YOU! To all of our servicemen and women who fight so diligently to allow us to keep our freedom as Americans! To those that are related: Mom and Dad (US Navy) Aunt Carol & Uncle Dan (US Air Force) , My husband Sam (US Marine Corps) If I am leaving anyone out, I am sorry, but Thank you Thank you for your Service. I pray for our troops who are daily in battle with an enemy whose main desire is to destroy the freedoms, and system that has made this country so great. I am deeply saddened by the fact that the wars seem to be raging more and more from within as well as from without, but the Lord knows them that are His! God Bless you and America!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Blog Neglect
I know it's been a while, but we have been so busy lately...well what's new right? So I figured I would post something, just anything. Update on life: Our church has finished the major part of our remodeling...woo hoo! See pictures @ or We have been in the new building for almost 2 years now, and it's been a great blessing. Sam is finishing up his semester at Wesley. I am working working working. And that seems to be about it. The holiday time is quickly approaching, and I will try to be more consistant with my posting.
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