Friday, August 28, 2009

Sam started a new "exercise program". He bought this thing called the "perfect pull up" that he uses to do pull ups, leg crunches and obliques. He's also been riding his bike every other day about 5-7 miles a day. It's really great, but I'm just feeling kind of bad about not doing anything. I did try to do some pull ups, I think I got 2 done, and when I was finished I told Sam "You know what? I think that I am more of a 'Curves' gal." Come on the pull up product was invented by a Navy Seal, do I look like a Navy Seal to you? Well I could always start running after the Ice Cream truck, but it's just so much easier to drive over to my local grocer and grab a pint of Blue Bell or Klienpeter Ice Cream.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Here are a few more pictures from our trip. We visited an Alligator Farm at feeding time. Sam said that it was well worth the $6.50 it cost us to get in, and I guess it was considering that the guy who feeds them actually gets in the pen with those things and has to hand feed them. It was actually pretty interesting. The poor man got bit on the thumb, I mean I know the economy is rough right now, but who wants to feed gators? Oh well somebody has to do it right?
Ok well they also had a petting zoo there, where we got to feed sheep, goats, deer and emu. That's right EMU! I guess they were kind of cute, in that "please don't bite my fingers off Mr. Bird sort of way. I think I'm more of a cute furry little deer kinda gal myself. Ugh, well the good part is they didn't get any fingers of mine. We also spent some time walking on the trails downtown with our friends the Wagner's, and then went to the Tower at sunset, and got a few cool pics.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Wesley Biblical Seminary- College Round Two

Sam begins classes for his MDiv program next Monday. He had orientation last week, and somehow I pray that it was not a foretaste of things to come.

Arkansas Trip-Little Rock/Hot Springs 2009

My husband and I were able to go to the North Little Rock Arkansas Campmeeting this year on vacation. We had a blast, it was really a great time. This was actually also for our 6th Year of Marriage Anniversary. Then after the Campmeeting we headed up to Hot Springs for some R&R, and it was very nice. Here are some pictures. We rented a cabin by the lake, and got to spend some time near the water, getting up early talking to God, and just looking at all the wonderful things that His hands have made.